Welcome new Tritons! Please use this megathread to discuss your acceptance and ask any questions you may have.
Everyone with admission and college questions, please post your questions in this megathread! We'll try to respond to as many questions as we can, but it would be great if other current students could also assist in welcoming the new admits! Additionally, please try to check the megathread to see if your question has been already answered.
Admissions/new student posts made outside of this megathread are subject to removal at moderator discretion. Please take a look at our rules page. If you believe we have made an error, please message us via modmail. We will try and get back to you asap, but we are students or alumni with jobs.
A few useful links:
- The New Student Guide
- UCSD Incoming Student FAQ - The Document
- UCSD Discord Servers MegaDoc!
- TritonLink
- UCSD Support
- r/UCSD Copypasta Archive (need to start the meme indoctrination early)
- 4 Year Plans!
Please be aware stuff at UCSD can change fast, namely Sixth College has a brand new location with a bunch of new dining halls, transfers have different housing, Seventh College is brand new where transfers used to be, and Eighth College is now under construction. This is all stuff that happened in the last year! Therefore, some stuff may not be entirely up to date quite yet.
People who want to switch into CS from another major (IF YOU GOT IN UNDECLARED BUT WANT CS):
Computer science has a lottery based major change process. You need at least a 3.3 in a set of screening courses to enter the lottery. More details can be found on the CSE Capped Major Webpage.
Being admitted undeclared basically means you were accepted to UCSD, but the CSE department rejected your application.
If you are set on UCSD, the Computing Paths page lists other computing related majors (but keep in mind these are NOT CS)
CE is weird, CSE CE and ECE CE are the exact same pretty much (only the advisors are different), but ECE CE is subject to the ECE capped major system (which is not a lottery but requires a higher GPA) while CSE CE is subject to the lottery.