Possibly running the final chapter this week

My campaign has been going for just about two years now, and I think we will be getting to the end on Saturday.

My players ( Vengeance Paladin, Moon Druid, Draconic Sorcerer, Soul-knife Rogue, and a Ranger with levels in Rogue and Cleric) are level 15 and are pretty well kitted with magic items and such.

I have never been so nervous for a session. We started with LMoP and transitioned into ToD, posts on here have been super helpful along the way.

Arkhan the Cruel is waiting at the temple, and I cant imagine letting my players not face the Queen herself so I'm running the Aspect of Tiamat with some slight variations. I want it to go well and be the perfect balance of difficult and fun, but this fight is terrifying as a DM.

Tips and such are appreciated but not necessary

If we get through it, I plan on posting an update probably next Monday.