My (29F) boyfriend (29M) and I are fighting because I pointed out that he never listens to me.

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years. He's been a great father figure to my daughter, and he's an otherwise great guy besides the fact that he seems to not listen to my opinions or advice about anything, but will take the same advice when he hears it from another man and praise him for it without admitting that he brushed me off.

This pattern has gotten worse ever since he got a tattoo apprenticeship at a shop he was a piercer at. He has no art background at all but the boss of the shop likes him enough that he took him under his wing. I've been drawing ever since I could literally pick up a pen, have had my artwork displayed at state fairs and art shows throughout school, and I now sell commission artwork and original prints. At first, he said he'd love for me to give him any advice and to teach him whatever I could, and I gladly agreed, but now, it all goes in one ear and out the other, until he asks another guy from the shop what they think and they say the same thing. Some recent examples:

• Bf asked me to go with him to the store to show him what pencils I use for sketching. I took him to Walmart and showed him the basic, inexpensive stuff I use for all of my drawings. He said no, that there's no way they used that at the shop, then made us go to Michaels to buy overpriced pencils. He went into work the next day to see that the artists DID in fact use the same cheap supplies I did. Then we went back to Walmart to buy the pencils I pointed out originally.

• He was working on a drawing, and asked me if I thought he should fully color in the skin of a pinup girl he was doing. I said probably not, because once you're tattooing someone's skin I believe you just add shadows and contrast instead of tattooing a different flesh color. He didn't listen, filled in the skin color, showed it to his mentor, just for his mentor to say EXACTLY what I did.

I just don't understand why he treats me like I'm less capable and experienced, it makes me question if I even know what I'm doing or talking about. And it's not only with art, he's done this several times regarding different topics but it's really coming through hard ever since he started this apprenticeship. He says that it's not true that he's brushing me off to spite me, but it really is pissing me off and again, is going in one ear and out the other for him.

I don't know what advice I want, if any. I'm just venting.

Thank you for listening.