Selling a house when you're an elderly woman.
My Mom's friend is about 80 year old and decided to sell her house and downsize to a brand new apartment. She found a realtor and they came up with a price of 400K. Which is a good price for a home in her neighbourhood. (That how I would have priced it)
A man showed up soon after really interested and had it inspected. It's an older home but it has been well maintained over the years. New roof, new windows, a 10 year old bathroom... It's not a modern house but there's nothing important to do.
So the man offers her 350K! Yes 50K under asking. There's only 2 other houses for sale near here's. One for 425K with a smaller lot and another for 385K$ who needs a lot of work, with a garage that could come down at any minute. He's kind of agressive to her. Telling her he needs to install a new kitchen and other things he doesn't like, all cosmetics.
Another kind of lady would have probably caved in to his offer but not her. She flat out refused the offer and decided she didn't want to sell to him, even at full price. (Her agent agrees with her and is on her side.) Finally, a week later, she got an offer of 415K from a lovely couple with 3 kids. She accepts immediately.
It makes me wonder how many elderly (childless) widows gets that treatment from home buyers. Treating them like they are idiots who know nothing about money.
(Since then, she decided to get brand new furniture for her apartment and she's really happy for that new chapter in her life.)