My relationship feels off, am I (28F) crazy?
I (28F) am in a long term relationship with my bf (31M). We have been together for almost 2 years, moved in together around 6 months together. We met while I was in graduate school, and when I got a job he moved with me to another state. Over the last 6 months I have been plagued by the feelings of something is off with our relationship. He is not very affectionate and recently he told me he 'doesn't do romance'. Which I have known for a long time, and maybe I just had this wild thought it would improve as we were together and he became more comfortable. I blame myself for that part because I should know that what people show is how they are going to be.
However, when this feelings started to happen I started to bring it up. I mentioned it a few times in passing that I feel disconnected due to our lack of intimacy and his lack of affection. He says he will do better. He did, for maybe a day. The next month I got angry and yelled, he felt bad and understood I must have been feeling this way for a long time. It got better for a week. I eventually gave him a note (I am very emotional and saying how I feel is hard. I people please and Ill change my feelings to make sure someone doesn't get hurt). The note was basically a synopsis of how I felt like he didn't love me or care about me. I stated that if we wanted to stay together things had to change. They did, but again briefly.
We have had the same talk every month for the last 3 months, always with the conversation of if we should be together. He tells me constantly he is committed to me, and he isn't leaving unless I want him too. That doesn't help me, because all I can do is blame myself for feeling so disconnected and unhappy when it seems like this is exactly what he wants. The same timeline happens things improve for a moment to then return back to how they were before and me feeling disconnected and empty.
Last night, after working all day and then going to work out I grabbed us dinner. I came home, we watched a show. After I showered, I laid on the bed for just a moment at the foot of the bed to just cool off and finally just rest for a moment. I was laying the wrong way on the bed, so my head was a little where he lays. He came into the room and asked what I was doing and to move because I was in his way. I immediately felt hurt by this. It feels like no matter how much I ask for affection and intimacy he finds a way to make me feel like I just don't matter. I find myself wandering why didn't he lay with me for a second? Why didn't he just lay down with the room he had and hold my hand or even hold me. I find myself asking "am i asking for too much" and blaming myself for wanting more because I should just be happy. I think about well he is tired too. I think about how I could have asking him to lay down with me. I spiral into this must be my fault because I didn't ask for anything and the street goes both ways, right?
So reddit, Am I wrong for feeling like something is off? Am I asking too much? Can we overcome this? Will I ever feel how I felt again?
I am so tired of feeling like something is wrong with me.
More info: I am the bread winner. I pay almost all the bills, which is okay cause I know I make way more. He has recently started taking on more chores that I hate like shopping and cooking. We are great partners at home with our pets and when we talk about other things. This is the main issue, and it feels like a huge wall between us.