Media where the development has taken/is taking so long you wonder if it’s better for the people involved to just move on?
This topic might seem a little conceited but I’m asking this as more of a vibe check on people’s feelings than an imperial fact. I have little idea what goes on in the development of most projects and can’t say with certainty whether what an artist feels they’ve wasted their time.
This question stems from a previous post of mine where I was thinking about “The Last Guardian” and talked about how weird it was that it feels like a game that was cancelled in 2011 but was somehow resurrected by love, passion, and miraculously released in 2016, but no one cared. I’m glad it came out even though I’m pretty mixed on the game, but couldn’t help but wonder if the people involved thought they wasted too much time and money on the project. My theory is that the TLG was probably feature complete in 2011, but the performance was so bad and the switch to PS4 caused such a hassle that’s where the extra 5 years went. I wonder if you told the team in 2011 that it would take 5 years to fix those problems, if they thought it would be worth it or if they would just move on.
Another example is Mahershala Ali’s Blade Movie, it was announced in 2019 at the height of the MCU and a year after his second Oscar win. The movie is going through production hell and wouldn’t be surprised if it got cancelled. I wonder if Ali is regretting signing on, I love the actor but think it’s fair to say that his star power has waned a bit since 2019. Having this project on the back burner for 6 years, I wonder if the excitement is still there either creatively or by the general audience.
Are there any examples you guys have of a project that you think just might not be worth it, as you want the people involved to create something else without being tied down to something they might not even have much control over?