I was molested by my pediatrician in AZ. I’m still scared to say anything.

I F(22) am posting this on my burner account as this is something I still haven’t processed or fully or recovered from. I still question myself every day on whether I imagined it and I made it all up in my head or it’s not as serious as I thought it was… I think opening up to my mom about it at 16 and her shutting it down and telling me to be quiet about it and gaslighting me into thinking it didn’t happen…Definitely had an effect on me. i’d like to know if anybody else has had similar experiences like this as a child. when I was around 5 to 8 years old, I had a family pediatrician in a small town in northern Arizona. I wasn’t necessarily a super sick child I only went to the doctors when I had a sore throat, allergies, or just a general check up nothing serious. At the time, my home life wasn’t too crazy so there were no signs of abuse at that time sexual or physical. every time I’d come in for a check up whether it be something with my tonsils or I’m getting my shots. My doctor would always have me lay down on the exam table. He would take his (most of the time bare hands) and put them underneath my pants so he would lay them on top of my vagina. Keep it there for about maybe 10 seconds and then take it out. This seems like something that was a routine every time I’d come into the doctors.. this always stuck out as strange to me as a child but I shrugged it off because i wanted to believe it was normal practice. Has anyone experienced this before?