Clarification on Vermin.

There is a lot of conflicting information about Vermin (also known as Rachel) floating about so I want to get my information in order. I've read that SIU has made some of his previous blogposts non-canon so the only canon information is what has appeared in the official release itself based on that this is what I know about Vermin:

  • She's a lightbearer.
  • She's weak physically.
  • She hasn't been shown to be able to use shinsu.
  • She's the most irregular irregular. She wasn't chosen to enter the Tower she entered because she was under Bam when the door opened for him.
  • She can't use the shinsu black hole sphere. The bracelet she was given allowed her to imitate Bam's power to a degree but she hasn't undergone revolution so it's the tool that has the power not her.
  • She's being aided by multiple organizations. One of which is FUG and another is the Revolution, the group who are trying to overthrow the 10 families.
  • She got 3 wishes from Gustang. One of them is possibly 'a power similar to Bam'. The other two are unknown

From the story alone this is what I think I know about Vermin. What did I miss? What is incorrect? Add sources if you're adding or contesting any of my points please.