Non-horror characters that freaked you out as a child
I love horror games now, but when I was young I was never allowed to play them. But the games I was allowed to play had their fair share of scary moments.
Batman: Arkham Asylum - Scarecrow:
A lot of my choices will seem goofy now and will be hard to explain as a adult explaining to other adults. But think of these characters through the mind of a child.
When I played the game for the first time I found his high pitched voice extremely scary. As I was a little kid I found syringes scary and THIS MFER USES THEM AS A WEAPON. The segment where you open the body bags to see Bruce's parents still sticks out in my mind and so does the scene where the doctors he drugged are screaming in fear.
Batman: Arkham Asylum - Killer Croc:
The Killer Croc I was accustomed to was human size in the cartoons. Then this MFer is like 9 feet tall which equals like 15 feet tall in my mind. I had a thing about sharp teeth when I was a child and look as this guy, obviously I hated it. The scariest thing about him to me though was the voice. It didn't sound human, the gargling otherworldy way he spoke like some kind of possessed demon, horrifying. His "old cell" that was filled with like 50 skulls also terrified me as a kid.
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions - Vulture:
Another comic villain in a video game voiced by Steve Blum. What a legend.
So this one is a little hard to explain because his voice and mannerisms just seem goofy as hell now, but when I was a kid it was horrifying. The way he stalks you in the dark, the way you see his shadow. The way he talked about loving to eat people. I suppose that's what scared me the most. It was my first explanation as to what cannibalism is. In the intro of his level Spider-Man Noir says something like "He's the bastard who ate my uncle" and I was like "WTF DO YOU MEAN EAT? ISN'T HE A HUMAN?" And then the the thing that scared me the most is when I looked him up on our computer shortly after playing the level the first image was him in the comics eating Uncle Ben's stomach. Eh. This is bringing back unpleasant memories.
Portal - Doug Rattman:
Ok, hear me out with this one.
Now Doug Rattman is actually a good guy, and a victim of Appature Science much like the player.
But when I was first introduced to Portal it was clips and trailers of those adorable robots from Portal 2 doing funny tricks and being silly. So I wanted to play Portal 2 but I hadn't played Portal 1 yet. But when I played Portal 2 I was shocked to figure out that it was a darker game than it looked.
Doug's art of the scientists all dying gruesome deaths really freaked me out. All of his art freaked me out. Especially the ones that depict Chell, because you play as Chell and it made me feel like Doug was watching you from the shadows every moment, even though in Portal 2 he was dead.
I have a fear of being watched. Without knowing that Doug was dead I always felt like he was stalking me from the shadows in Portal 2 every second I played. Somewhere in that lab he was watching me. Somewhere.
But what scared me the most wasn't his drawings, it was voice.
I still remember that afternoon I discovered another one of his dens, freaked me out as much as the rest.... But there was something.... Else there....
I put both me and the characters ear to the wall of one of the dens.... And I could hear him.... His voice....
You can look it up if you want, it's called "Ghost of Rattman" in the soundtrack.
His insane horrified ramblings like some sort of tormented ghost, no breaks for breathing. No. The words were unitelligable, except for one I could still hear burned in my brain, "Help me Chell"
I always felt he was on the other side of the wall, even though he wasn't. Always so close yet so far away.
I was barely 10 when I first played Portal 2, his ramblings were branded in my brain. I spend the next few nights having trouble falling asleep. Because I laid there in the dark and could only hear his voice.
Doug Rattman was a hero that saved Chell. But in the mind of my 10 year old self he was a tormented ghost who wanted to haunt me.