How are people getting “addicted” to porn??
I’m 33M and married. I am a hyper sexual person and have heavily consumed porn since I was a teenager. I’ve slowed down quite a bit as an adult, but I still get horny A LOT out of absolutely no where and would say I watch porn probably a little more than the average person…it has NEVER been debilitating or caused any issues, and I honestly could never even fathom that being the case…You step away for a second, pull up a video or pic, do your thing, zip up and move on with your day. Why is that so hard?? (Hehe)
So my question is how the hell are so many people claiming to have a deep problem with this? Is there something I’m missing nowadays? Can people not just step away for a second, take care of business and get back to life? How on earth does it get to the point where it is effecting your ability to function?
I’m not trying to be rude or disrespectful to people with a real problems, but as someone with ADHD who has struggled with drug addiction and spontaneity and impulse control, it’s just sort of hard for me to fathom it being that hard to control one’s horniness.
Can someone explain to me what the deal is?
UPDATE: most of the responses have been great! I truly feel like I’ve gained some better perspective on this issue. I feel like it is FAR easier and more common for people to develop unhealthy habits with porn these days due to its higher accessibility and availability…that being said I definitely think it’s a case by case basis…for every person who describes what sounds like a real issue, there’s been people who sound like they have a pretty low bar for what they consider “unhealthy”. I also have realized that the range of opinions on porn and sexual health is much wider than I expected here, id imagine that’s probably the case with most people IRL. So thank you guys for a great discussion!…and the rest of you…sigh* yeah the only thing I’m starting to think myself might have a problem with genuinely is Reddit addiction. Thank you to the trolls who helped me realize that