Was this sexual assault?

A little over a year ago I had a one night stand with a guy I met on a dating app.

It was the first and only time I had ever done that.

I had gone on dates with other people on the app and stuff, but this was the only instance where I met someone at their house (stupid I know) and slept with them (stupid I know). I wasn’t in the best mental state at the time and wasn’t making the best life choices.

We started to have sex and things kind of turned quickly. He started asking me to do weird fetish type things that I wasn’t into.

He said to me “say you love your dad” as in he wanted me to tell him I loved him. I didn’t say it. He told me to say it several times, until I caved.

He asked me if he could piss on me and I told him no. He begged and I told him very sternly no.

At some point while we were having sex it started to hurt, I think I said ow and his response to me was that he was going to do what he wanted to do whether I wanted it or not.

I didn’t know if he was roleplaying a sexual fantasy or if he was serious, but I didn’t feel safe.

I wasn’t sure if he would stop if I asked him to or what he would do if I wanted to leave.

So I just … let it go on until he was done. He didnt piss on me.

After that, I went home went to bed and then woke up the next morning and went to work and continued with my life.

I felt really really weird about the experience and felt really bad inwardly about myself.

The guy messaged me a few more times after that wanting to meet up again but I ghosted and never talked to him again.

I ended up having a really bad and unsettling feeling about sex and couldn’t really feel positive sexual feelings about myself after that.

I was pretty sexual before but it’s like it just died. I would get horny and then the feelings I got with being horny were all negative & unsettled feelings. I didn’t even want to mas***bate on my own any more.

I ended up getting in a relationship shortly after and just really had no interest in having sex with my partner even tho I loved them and was attracted to them.

Anything sexual just brought really negative feelings and I’m honestly still kind of in that currently, tho I feel it isn’t as bad as it once was.

I recently opened up to one of my best friends about this for the first time. I hadn’t really talked about it with anyone. And my friend looked me in my face and told me I had been sexually assaulted. I had never really seen it that way before or told myself that’s what it was. I had just viewed it as a bad situation, and if anything I felt like really guilty and regretful because I felt like I put myself in that situation. Felt like I had betrayed myself in some way. And now that my friend is saying this I just….don’t know how to feel but I’m feeling a lot of negative feelings about it.

Edit: there is no desire here to take legal action or any action against this person