The LN is nothing like I thought it would be

I have a soft spot for shitty romcoms and I went into this anime thinking it was just gonna be your average long name romcom with a super dense, always flustered, socially awkward guy and a cliche girl lead. I was so wrong.

After I finished episodes that were out, I immediately searched for the LN and then read all 8+ couple chapters of 9 in a single sitting. What I realized is that contrary to literally every romcom where the main characters name is in the title, Alya is NOT the main character. Instead it focuses completely on Kuze.

Masachika is the best romcom MC ever, I will outright say it I don't care about the SNAFU dickriders. He's like a mix of ayanakoji and ishigami from love is war. The way that the LN does a complete 180 around novel 5 is mindboggling, it goes from your average tropey romcom to a psychological drama as Masachika the "lazy genius" plays mind games with the elite of the school and his sister to try and put his partner Alya as frontrunner for student body president. Kuze's character is not something that can be deduced from the episodes that are out, and maybe not even with a season two. The complexity of Kuze and his internal struggles with himself and the way he deny's his feelings towards Alya due to past trauma and his inability to love her properly is honestly what makes the LN so good. His interactions with literally everyone around him are always top tier (especially his sister). Im not even mad that the LN was stretched out this long before a confession either because the way that Kuze and Alya act in the later novels are honestly how a couple does.

My only gripe about the LN is the absolutely absurd situations Masachika gets put in with Masha and Alya (mostly Masha) which feels more like fan service and just makes kuze look more dense when he obviously isn't and is clearly aware of how Alya feels towards him.

Where the novel is at right now is peak, and its definitely about to reach its climax with Kuze accepting his feelings for Alya and FINALLY quitting loathing himself from his childhood trauma. He knows his success rate with Alya is 100% so the way the author is gonna set this up with the buildup practically gone is going to be interesting to see.

Masha best girl