Stuck in 200-300 views

I've been uploading videos at least once per day for 142 days.

That's every single day since 1/6/23 - I have had no days off, trying to build an audience.

I seem to be stuck at just over 2000 followers and now my views are taking a hit. 200-300 views.

I've had x2 videos hit over 100k And about x3 over 10k

I'd love to blame the algorithm, but is my content what's wrong? I put a lot of time and energy into a lot of my videos, most take over an hour to record and edit.

Am I just impatient?

I see shitposting accounts get millions of views in a few weeks and it just makes me feel so Defeated.

Maybe it's me? Help. I feel like giving up. And my channel is dedicated to helping other people not give up. Mental Health etc.

Any tips appreciated.

The account is

Don't hold back on an honest review..