Can't do it anymore
The v1 damage system is so bad. I really don't care if v3 isn't perfect (it never will be) we need a change sooner rather than later. Even if there are still exploits, if they're just different that would be a good change of pace. We've been stuck on this version for far longer than can be reasonably justified anymore. I have no personal interest in joining a discord community just so I can play the more functional version of the game I already paid for. I personally think driving the core playerbase into a secluded community you have to search out for personally to access is a terrible way to manage said playerbase. Everyone dedicated to a realistic boxing experience is driving out of the public pool, leaving almost exclusively the worst offenders. The people who don't want to join, or worse, don't even know of the existence of a seperated playerbase will inevitably drop the game when the only people they match up against are intentionally abusing the same broken mechanics they've now had months to perfect.
I really love this game, I want it to succeed. I simply can't understand some of the development choices being made currently. Even if the performance of v3 is wildly unbalanced at least it would breathe new life into what is currently an increasingly frustraiting cardio simulator.