Upon rewatches of season 4, I think it's hilarious that Herc is such a comically bad cop that he still manages to fuck things up even when the Major Crimes lieutenant is all about stomping heads and breaking doors, and not prolonged and slow investigations

Like seriously, when Marimow comes to the Unit, the boys are all like "yeah we're back to stomping heads and locking people up, Western District way" as opposed to the slow investigations of the wiretaps, following people, sitting on roofs to build the case.

But Herc still manages to find a way to fuck it up several times. He gets a good CI (bubbles) willing to help him out as long as he just beats up or lock up a guy that was harassing him (something that not only Herc should be great at but he would also enjoy), and earlier just loses the camera and lies about it with his boss. Literally all he had to do was say to Marimow "we know where Marlo and his guys meet and decide things, so we're gonna set up there to catch them on their plans later" or "boss I tried to spy on him but he found the camera". But no, he just lets his mistake get bigger and bigger and in the process actually fucks up more things.