Jenna Sommers appreciation post 💕✨
I fucking love Jenna and i may even go as far as to say she is the one person in the entire TVDU (maybe besides Jo) to have 100% NOT deserved her demise.
I mean this woman singlehandedly tried to raise two emotional teenagers who weren’t her own whilst keeping a terrible secret hidden from one of them (that Elena was adopted) in order to protect her and whilst trying to navigate the troubles of having a son-figure indulge in drugs. She was as lenient as she could have been in these kinds of scenarios because she was so scared that she would mess up, bless her. My favourite moment of hers though is probably just before she died when she attacked the witch. This was one final act of devotion to the children she’d pledged to protect for years and years, and I think that’s what makes me love her so much.
Tell me your thoughts on Jenna or your favourite moment with her character :))