Let's be real, which best relationship between these two?
To be honest, I love enzo with bonnie but from storyline prospective we didn't see anything remotely love storyline between enzo and bonnie but nonetheless I like them as a friend just like stefan and Caroline.
But in damon case: they are a lot of scene build-up from enemy and I mean real enemy like when she about to kill him with fire 🔥 not like elena who people claim she was enemy and I assure you guy's that elena has a thing for damon since the beginning but she keep hiding it and not act upon it because she was scared to hurt stefan or get judge by her friends.
The only deference between these too relationship is how damon act and see it.
Let rewind it, and I will be clear as crystal.
From the start damon wasn't planning to be with any relationship with a mortal and we see the conversation between enzo and damon in the cell and also the same happened with enzo and Maggie, enzo compelled Maggie to forget him the same way damon did to elena, and for those who said that damon stole elena from stefan, damon literally went to search for his brother with elena and even that Time when damon flirt with elena still hold on stefan until stefan told her flat and clear "I don't want you, just forget about me" after that stefan relationship ended. And you may say that stefan try to recover his relationship with elena but in reality stefan knows that his relationship with elena ended since elena had feelings for damon the same way stefan had feelings for katherine but both they keep denied it and in the end stefan died alongside with katherine who always choose him, well if elena choose stefan she will probably dead since both are the last doppelganger.
In bamon case everybody knows it's Canon which means they are endgame and they are the most healthiest relationship in the book/show.
In the early season bonnie was his only enemy who could kill him if she wanted and she closely succeed if elena didn't stop her and yet damon did horrible things to her family unwantedly.
Bonnie grams died doing the spell because the spell was to stong for her even with the assistance of bonnie, and after that bonnie mom died to stop the spell that would kill all the vampire species (technically speaking she is vampire and she could take the cure) And after that their email start to develop from hate to love. Even damon the selfish one desicated himself so bonnie can live and never get harmed by his stupid intentions, and she even went toe to toe with cade even though she put herself in danger for the sake of damon soul.
If that is not pure love between damon and bonnie then you guys are blind or whatever and can someone told me what elena did to damon. From the start damon always risked his life for elena and even Caroline when he get bitten by Tyler and he almost die and yet elena still lying about her feelings for damon.
You may think damon is a horrible person and i agree but the only person who can whip his ass and put him in place is bonnie.
Even damon himself write a letter to bonnie and he knew that bonnie will make him a better men not elena, elena in that mement was not there The writer had obsession with elena and had hatred of bonnie for some reason.
In the end, in my opinion damon and bonnie are soulmate endgame in my heart ❤️ 💙 and I always be a Bamon fan always and forever.
Ps: enzo was just a replacement of damon in a way since the writer didn't want bonnie to be with lead characters like damon 😕 so you know the rest of the story enzo get killed for no reason.
What are you thought 🤔 are you with or against it