Why I believe ___ and ____ win
Gabby and Dolores have said that she was disappointed in the outcome of the game and it is clear that she both to final fire. The prevailing opinion it seems like on this thread is that Danielle and or Britt are the winners. We don't know how the next episode goes, but let's assume Danielle is out, and Gabby and Dolores don't win. The strong alliance left then is Dylan and Ivar. Both of them know that their best shot is to have only a final two and they are rock solid on eachother. There is no way Dylan votes out Ivar. I think then that Dylan, Gabby and Ivar vote out Britt. Dylan, Gabby, and Ivar vote out Dolores. Then Dylan and Ivar vote out Gabby, leaving Dylan and Ivar as the winners. I know, I know, Ivar is getting a dark horse edit if that is the case but he is absolutely Dylan's ace in the hole.