Charlotte's Play is Overrated

Charlotte has played a near perfect game so far. She's done incredibly well in banishing Minah too, which will further solidify her position as a "faithful".

Recruiting Freddie was perfect too as he has the heat on him and is likely to go next, confirming her place in the final. However, her evil for the sake of evil plot might be her downfall.

Leanne (stupidly imo), told the majority she has the shield including Charlotte. No deaths implied all of that group can be considered faithful. However, Leanne will make a massive scene of the shield play and who knew at which point Freddie finds out he's being scapegoated by Charlotte, turning him against her. Not sure what he will do but it's an unnecessary enemy.

Couple that with the mystery power someone will get, could reveal Charlotte's position. Given she doesn't know what the power is and that Freddie was likely to be banished without the shield play anyway, she is better off confirming a murder to reduce numbers without any heat coming her way.

TLDR: Charlotte being evil for the sake of evil increases her chances of being caught as Freddie was likely next to go.