Planning to make a collage of rabbit characters, please give some suggestions of 5 extra rabbit characters from different franchises/pieces of media
recently got this big piece of paper and thought it’d be fun to make a big ol’ collage of a bunch of rabbit characters. i’m planning to do at least 15 franchises/pieces of media with 1-3 representatives but i couldn’t figure out what i wanted to do with those final five slots that weren’t basically a rehash of another rabbit character. please give some suggestions from various pieces of media i might do this again but for a different type of character like maybe aliens or something :/
recently got this big piece of paper and thought it’d be fun to make a big ol’ collage of a bunch of rabbit characters. i’m planning to do at least 15 franchises/pieces of media with 1-3 representatives but i couldn’t figure out what i wanted to do with those final five slots that weren’t basically a rehash of another rabbit character. please give some suggestions from various pieces of media i might do this again but for a different type of character like maybe aliens or something :/