I skip every single dialogue or cut scene in every game I play. Even in story driven games.

My time is super limited, I do not care about the story, neither in GTA, nor Red Dead Redemption, The Witcher, Cyberpunk 2077, and many more.

I just dont give a fuck about the story. I just wanna play, do something, and not be a spectator. Thats what I use movies and TV shows for.

I acknowledge that I am obviously missing what makes these games "magical" and "experiences", but I mean, it only affects myself, so yeah.

I got like 2-3 hours a week to play video games, and I wanna use these hours to actually PLAY, and not listen to someone talk.


EDIT: Didn't expect this to blow up, I'll get to your comments at a later point.

Just a lil addendum: I also think it's kind of pathetic when people look down on others because they're not playing on the hardest difficulty. "omg, then it's not even a challenge, how boring". Dude, I want to relax, not sweat over having to start over and over to beat some boss in dark souls or Elden Ring.

I'm a 33 year old, married guy, with a demanding job, physically exhausting hobbies, and a mortgage. Life brings enough challenges as it is, when I play games, I just want a short escape from reality. I don't want a challenge, I wanna relax.

EDIT 2: Thanks for all your comments, its 10.30 a.m here, and Im gonna enjoy my weekend now. Enjoy yours!