Why do many hate the ending of Last Twilight? It was not as bad as people made it out to be.

I have read so many people saying that they hated the ending of Last Twilight, but to me the ending was good. Yes, it was imperfect, but at its core, it was the right ending to Day and Mhok's emotional journey.

Mhok did fear losing Day. His past, especially the suicide of his sister taught him to be afraid that he would not be able to protect the people he loved. His fear drove him to leave his dreams while still fearful of what might happen to Day if he were to leave him. However, Day was right to be hurt. He wished to prove that blindness did not mean he was helpless. The person he cared for the most did not have faith in him to be capable of that.

The breakup was not for the purposes of drama. If Mhok had stayed and confronted his fear, their relationship would always be tainted by that. And if Day did not draw a line for himself, then Mhok might always look at him with vulnerability. The breakup provided space for them to grow. Mhok lived his dream and in so doing built up the strength to return to Day without fear. Day established that he was capable of independent living. By the time they reunited, they were finally even emotionally even in how they saw each other.

But one thing that did annoy me was that Mhok never actually received an apology. The show blamed him for everything without quite understanding his perspective. Yes, Mhok was wrong to be controlled by fear, but Day never even attempted to understand why Mhok was so terrified in the first place. Mhok was reminded over and over again that he didn't believe in Day, but nobody ever reminded Day that Mhok was acting out of intense trauma, not because he saw Day as weak. One little moment of compassion from Day would have made their reunion more even.

I do think the biggest fault with the ending wasn't actually the plot itself, but the pacing. Everything from Mhok leaving, Day's reaction, the time jump, and the reunion happened in one episode. Because of that, it felt rushed and like an unnecessary add-on to some viewers. If they had done it over two or three episodes, with more depth to their emotions and personal growth, I think it could have been one of the strongest endings.

For those that didn't like the ending, was it the pacing that caught you off guard? Or did you not like the breakup itself? Do you think a slower build-up or an apology to Mhok would have changed your opinion?