To take minoxidil or not

Hi everyone! I have been lurking here for quite a while now. My TE has been going on since around July 2024. It all started from a series of bad events. My mother passed away in April, my grandma in June, and I got into a scary car accident in October. I also went to my doctor in November and got blood work done. I have low(ish) iron and my ferritin was at 7. Over the last couple of weeks my shedding has slowed but not stopped. I have been taking iron and vitamin D, which might have helped slow down the shedding. However, every other week I feel like I am gaslighting myself on if my hair looks better or not. I used one of those online pharmacies to get some oral minoxidil. I have not decided if I should start it yet or not because I can't tell if my hair is getting naturally better or not. My hair is so thin right now. TE is such an exhausting problem and I am so sorry that we are all going through this.