Family Planning
Hey everyone! I am just looking for advice. I’m a future teacher located in the state of OH. I’m doing my student teaching in the fall of 2025 and my expected graduation date is in December of 2025.
My birth control also expires in fall 2025 and as of right now I do not plan to use another form of B.C to give my hormones time to even out per my OB suggestion. (Unless advice sways me otherwise 😁)
If for some reason I would to get pregnant while my hormones are regulating it would fall into my first year teaching (2026-2027) and I would not be eligible for FMLA leave.
I know I can not predict the future but would it be best to renew my Birth control (and hopefully get pregnant in the years 2027- 2029)? Or if I get pregnant to just sub the 2026-2027 school year and get my first official job in 2027-2028 school year.
I also have a 3 year old daughter who will start school until 2026. (I pay daycare). Our car will also be paid off in 2026.
Just looking for advice like I said I know we can’t see in the future but my O.B is worried with my hormones re-regulating put on B.C to help regulate hormones) so it may take a while to get pregnant. I just want to make the best possible decision for my family.
Thank you!