I accidentally served a minor alcohol
I’m so in my head over this and I feel so guilty and scared. Let me paint the picture for you. I just started a new waitress job a couple days ago, this was my fourth day. I am very well aware of the identification laws as the majority of my past jobs have required me to check IDs whether for medication, alcohol, etc. I was already stressed at the start of the shift because I was 3 minutes late and I had made a mistake the day before, which was sternly discussed with me on my arrival in front of the whole bar and server staff. Already not to pleasing to my “hard-to-please” boss. Saturdays are the busiest days at this place I was forewarned, and that was a huge understatement. I didn’t stop moving from 1pm-9pm so much so that that the other waitresses pulled me aside and acknowledged how busy I was and tried to get me to take a break and get something to eat . But I was hungry, I was exhausted, I was stressed, I was on the verge of tears the entire night, using every ounce of energy and fight I had to not have a breakdown in the bathroom because my anxiety was giving me a ride. During this mishap, I had at the time, 6 tables at once, two 4tops, three 2tops, and one 3top. The 3top was 2 guys and their dad. Now I want to say here is where I fucked up. I should have carded. I should have and instantly regretted not doing it. The guys did look young and I should have just asked for a goddamn ID. Now here is how the situation played out. One of the guys was looking at our drink menu as I approached the table. I gave my intro and asked for drink orders. I want to reiterate that the dad is there with them. The guy looks up from the menu, looks at his dad, looks at me, and orders a strawberry daiquiri. Keep in mind this is my fourth day to a job I’ve never done, at a local restaurant pub. I’m not totally familiar with all of the drink options. So to add to my stress, I look like a complete and total dumbass because the bartender shakes his head and tells me we don’t serve those here. I relay the news and the son orders a pina colada instead. I come back with the drinks and attend to my other tables, one of which was not having a good experience unrelated to me personally, but was taking their frustrations out on me. So I’m rushing around for probably another 20 minutes or so and I go back to the 3top. The dad lowered his voice and asked me if the pina colada was non alcohol because his son was 14. I stared, utterly shocked and panicked at the dad for a good 10 seconds before answering oh my god I am so sorry I cannot apologize enough. That dad said he understood how it would have been confusing because the son did not ask for it virgin or no alcohol. I apologized about a thousand more times for the rest of their stay and each time the dad reassured me not to worry about it. However I am indeed very worried about it. This place doesn’t have cameras. I was so scared I told one of the waitresses what happened and I fear that that may have been a mistake. Thankfully the son didn’t drink very much of it, probably a sip or two before he realized and the dad ended up finishing the drink himself. The dad also tipped me generously for the amount of the bill. I didn’t think anyone ran to the boss/owner about me because I didn’t receive any angry texts. I know where I went wrong and I completely acknowledge that and take all the accountability for course of actions I should have taken differently. I have to go there tomorrow to get my check and I’m scared shitless I’m going to screamed at or worse, fired. I can’t afford to loose this job whatsoever and even though it was hell I made $300 in tips and averaged $100 the two prior days I was on the floor. Has anyone ever had a similar experience? Should I start looking for a new job?