Some here are pushing hard for Syria-Israel war, but it's not in Syria's best interest.
Full disclosure, I'm Israeli (yeah yeah khaybar khaybar ya yahud blah blah). I understand that you hate Israel, but don't fall to confirmation bias. I see many rage-bait posts which are not based in reality, trying to incite and pour oil on the flames. Notice that the posters are mostly non-Syrians who might not have Syria's best interest in mind. And yes, I don't believe that making war on Israel is in Syria's best interest (now or anytime). I believe you should be focused on nation-building and not on war-making (thankfully it seems for now that Al Jolani agrees).
Israel's tanks are not "20km from Damascus". The only source for this is some unnamed Al-Mayadeen report from a week ago. The liveuamap was updated, based on this single report, to look like Israel is occupying a large swath of land beyond the buffer zone, and everyone takes this map as gospel. The liveuamap is only as truthful as the reports it is based on.
The evidence is that Israel has invaded and is holding the buffer zone. Israel is bombing weapons depots, airplanes, navy targets -- which I admit is not very nice. But it's not unreasonable for Israel to believe that these weapons might be used against it in the future. Thankfully these weapons were not stored within civilian population.
We have two mutually exclusive realities here, so let's make a predication and check in 2 months who was correct. My prediction is that in two months, after Israel and the new Syrian government establish some backchannel communication, Israel will withdraw from the buffer zone. There will be no incidents between HTS and Israel.
Since you believe that Israel is this expansionist nation with greater-Israel visions. You must believe that it will just keep invading more and more. What is your prediction? Put your money where your mouth is.
I hope for peace and prosperity for both of our nations. Good luck.