SUPER5 OLED Scored Twice & Project!

Crazy how lucky I got in the last few days, First I found someone selling a cfw switch lite gundam edition, so I had to buy it and couldn’t pass up. Then I went on twitter yesterday and saw that 25min ago taki’s twitter post for discontinuing the touch version of the super5 OLED for the switch lite and he opened preorders, for the last time. So I quickly jumped the gun and preordered it. Today comes and i decided to go onto EBay to be curious and typed in super5 OLED to see if anyone was actually selling the kit from the September wave, and ironically enough someone was !!! So I bought the hyrule edition listed and now I have two lol, most likely will resell the preorder version once it comes in March since I won’t need it, or maybe buy a used switch lite on the low and make it into another project for myself. Super excited