My theory of everything

Okay so this is my first attempt at an informative post, so cut me some slack and buckle in for some Charlie Day connecting the dots action

Im not going to do a preface or anything like that, just jump straight into it:

I personally do not believe MOASS is bound to happen on a certain day, or there's any way to predict what day it will happen. It's not a time based thing. It's PRICE based. Let me explain: DFV went dark on June 6th 2021. He posted that tweet, "Bravo Six going dark." Member? Pepperidge farms remembers. If you chart that out, we had just come down from a nice little rip but we were starting the phase of the downward trend. We had one nice little spike after that in November, but it wasn't moass. He knew that.

But how? How did he time his tweets in 2024? There's a lot of theory on swaps and baskets and other great DD that I don't believe are wrong. Just not the "catalyst." A lot of moving parts make GME the idiosyncratic masterpiece that it is.

Okay sad-performance what are you getting at? Well, look at the '21 sneeze. Chart it out and find the stable bottom after the squeeze returned back from orbit. The lowest price we had was $9.63 on Feb 19th. Followed by $10.15 close on 60m volume. Feb 22th low of $10.60 78m volume Feb 23rth low of $10 even (this is important) 30m volume Followed by a nice little rip up to $22.93 close and 330million volume (a 300 million volume increase) the next day

So what?

Welp let's go to the May '24 Sneeze: April 16 we drop below $10 to a LOW of $9.95 4.1m volume close $10.37 April 22 we hit our close of $10.01(crazy right?) 3.2m volume April 29 $11.29 close 3.8m volume April 30 $11.09 close 2.8m volume May 1st $10.91 close 2.6m volume

Then May 2nd we bounce to $12.76 close 8.6m volume May 3rd $16.47 close 36.2m volume 🔥We hold the teens all week. DFV knows this is about to start ripping and when he posts his famous "leaning forward in chair meme" May 12th. May 13rd we hit $30.45 close on 187m volume.

This wasn't an algorithmic response to his tweet. This was happening regardless

What I'm saying is that the bottom close of the squeeze was $10 in '21 and the bottom close of our 4 year downtrend was also $10. Almost to the cent. Accompanied by low volume leading up to it, high volume right after, and a huge move upwards.

It was never about the exact day. Nobody would know that, and the algorithm isnt going to be that predictable. It's about the price action consolidating back down to where we stabilized after the squeeze. Always has been.

So what's the significance of $10? That's a question i think gets answered by simplicity. That was the floor. That's where the heaviest amount of volume was locked and the lowest they could drop the price after the '21 rip. See, SHF arent the only ones with trading algorithms either. Institutions also use them, and Im sure there were tons of signals going off that we were about to hit the floor, presenting a flawless buying opportunity. Its not that $10 was some magic number, its that we coudnt go lower and only way to go was up. Hence volume. Once we started that downward trend, it wasn't about May 14th being some significant date, it's just when the constant buy and sell pressure combined with algorithmic trading happened to land us. We were waiting to hit the floor again. This allowed the unwinding and covering of short positions to take place, whether by swaps or any other stupid ass market mechanic they used to keep themselves afloat. Meanwhile, the gaps are getting filled by optimistic apes.

So if they covered during that time why did we have a sneeze in '24? Well, covered doesnt mean closed. They are wildly different. Covering simply just means they are able to either unwind some of their position to cover the cost of the trade or balance their books. More of an imaginary formality than actual action. This can be done many ways, more importantly with crime (but still have active positions). Closed would mean they have completely exited the position, which they did not.

Side note: The SELF REPORTED short interest when this began was over 100%. Who knows how deep they actually were but there's some fantastic DD on the speculation. That's a fuckload of shares/shorts. Then there was the stock split which doesn't change the value, but the total shares short went astronomical lol. They got absolutely rekt. They are greedy and there isn't a snowballs chance in hell you can convince me they have exited. Moass is imminent. You can't stop a hot air balloon from taking off by fueling the fire. You have to weigh it down with some heavy, HEAVY bags.

So where does that leave us? That's where I have to start guessing. I don't know exactly where the floor is after the '24 sneeze. If we take the trend line bottom after the sneeze on May 14th our low is about $18.26. It's not the price i want to go with but to be honest it's the most likely. Its a likely floor, and it follows the same pattern as '21-'24 and uses the same trend line for primed 🚀 to blast off. Ironically enough were seeing lots of buy pressure on our rips and little volume on our trends down. Eerily similar. It's consolidating and $18.25 is definitely on the menu at this rate.

Second guess could be $23-24 as the floor from June 6th spike although I see it as less likely because we have consistently dropped below this level since May 15th. I'm going to keep this here for science but I'd assume it's incorrect. (Although we do seem to get volatile in this range).

What we haven't seen is $18.25 or below. We've tested $19 and $20, but not our target number. We've also seen a pretty decent bounce in price and volume days where we've tested. Most significantly September 9th where we saw $19.50 low with 8m volume and jumped up to $21.85 on 61m volume on the 10th.

Now we did see an outlier on August 5th when we tested $18.75 where the only significance was an addition of higher volume (12m) and opened at $21 the following day. HOWEVER this is the day we saw VIX spike to $65👀

Another thing I'd like to add is the significance of the RSI when we test lows like $20.

Let's switch topics now and talk about DRS real swift:

I believe in the DRS movement 100000%. If you can give one reason it isn't beneficial im all ears. I don't think it's going to ignite the squeeze, but I firmly believe it's played a major part in this saga. How can you disagree that a company which has such an insane amount of shares directly registered to individual investors who absolutely do not plan on selling them isn't bullish? If you're as frustrated with the share lending and rehypothication of shares then DRS. It's one of the few ways we can fight back.

Plus look at that OBV. Holy MOLY is that a sexy chart. I'd add it to my post but I'm a labor worker with no computer skills typing this up on mobile while I should be working.

What do? They heavily influence the ticker, and that's a hill I will die on. They can use the dark pools, swaps, share lending, naked shorting, short ladder attacks, banging the close, algorithmic trading, spoofing, and I'm sure 100 other techniques. That is manipulation, no matter how hard the comment section in my memes tries to convince me otherwise. What they can't control is institutional buying, the complexity of r/Superstonk, DFVs enormous balls, Larry Chengs Pokemon deck, or Ryan Cohens leadership.

Here's some TA: When does DFV buy? When IV is bottoming and volume is so low you need subtitles.

Tin Foil Time: Now I know this is hypocritical to my post, but my wife bought me some Reynolds wrap to snack on today. Since we do enjoy a good hype date, and I love meme humor here's a fun one: Mr. Cohen posted 2 tweets back to back at exactly 7:41. 2 tweets. Take 741 + 741 and you get = 1,482 Whats 1,482 days after January 28th 2021? TUESDAY February 18rd 2025 Can you believe that shit?

I know this is poorly written but I didn't use AI to format it for me cause I enjoy my personal touch; but what can I say, I eat crayons.

Anyways, I don't know shit about fuck, I just wanted to share this with you all. This will probably be the closest thing to DD I'll write but I'm always lurking, averaging up, averaging down, DRSing, and posting memes 🤙

Buy, HODL, DRS, fuck you, pay me, suck my balls.

Inb4 Username checks out.