Citadel limited withdrawals to 6.25% per quarter in Dec 2021. What’s left After 12 Quarters?

Back in Dec 2021, Citadel said they were limiting withdrawals to 6.25% of the remaining balance per quarter.

By the way, sauce posted by OP (Yahoo finance) is not working…

If someone started with $10 million and withdrew the max every quarter for 12 quarters (Q1 2022 to Q4 2024), how much would be left now?

I guess since 12 × 6.25% = 75%, there should be 25% left ($2.5 million). Or would it have to be compounded?

If compounded, the remaining balance would actually be around $4.61 million. Since every quarter you’re withdrawing less and less, it would take forever to run out completely.

I checked (chatgpted), and with $10 million it would take around 322 quarters (80.5 years) for the balance to fully hit zero if you kept withdrawing this way.

What? Withdrawals cant work like this, right?

I need some of your wrinkles to understand, thank you all! Stay zen 🧘‍♂️