can i just say

my mental health was REALLY really bad, i didnt rly care much about myself. One of the examples being how many times my hair fell out because i didnt take good care of it, another being my room was not clean, there was sooo much…

anyways, these bad habits were cut out when i used that mental health subliminal for like 3-4 months, another thing i was struggling with was overthinking.. every september literally, EVERY september for the past years and before i would overthink till january, and this would go on that i would end up stress eating to comfort myself somehow, but this september, NOTHING?? Literally i stoppped overthinking, i stopped dwelling on things that arent good for me, i started combing my hair more that it has grown so much, i started cleaning my room every week or every 2 weeks, so much more that i am proud that i decided to take matters..

SO if u are feeling like the past me, i recommend that subliminal!!

ofc my mental health isnt perfect especially since i stopped using it but it is WAYYYY better than before!!