Knee-friendly exercises?

(First of all I'd like to clarify that I'm not asking for medical advice, I'm already following a prescribed treatment with a professional, so pls don't delete this lol)

Long story short I've been dealing with some knee pain in my left leg, turns out I have a bone marrow edema probably due to overuse. I'm already doing magnetotherapy and rehab, my physio said that I should continue with strength training, but he's not really oriented to sports, so he just told me that I should avoid anything that causes me pain for a couple of months...

I'm having some trouble with squats, bss and hip thrusts (and any isometric exercise). I'm kinda afraid of losing gains bc they were a big part of my routine, however I still can do leg press, deadlifts and rdls, deficit reverse lunges, step-ups, leg extension, leg curls, any cable kickback, hyperextensions and that's it.

I'd like to have more variety but I can't think of any other exercise, I would love to read about some new alternatives (if there's any lol). I've also read that strengthening the glute medius, abductors and adductors can help with knee pain, but I don't know how to work them without machines (my gym doesn't have any)

Thanks for reading <3 I'd appreciate any type of reply!