Downvote me all you want, this sub has been brigaded by AGPs who get defensive whenever we point out they are different from dysphoric transsexuals

It’s Reddit after all and 90% of the people from trans subs are AGP, but it’s still funny to see the huge disconnect between trans people here and on real life when this topic arises because the AGPs must always have the final word.

I’m personally not a fan of Blanchard and pretty much disagree with everything he says, but the term autogynephilia makes sense from an etymological point of view, it IS a real phenomenon. Places like r/askagp confirm this.

No, I do not think I’m the same thing as someone who chose to transition for the simple reason that cross dressing arouses them. I did it to overcome sexual dysphoria and live a well-adjusted life (something most trans people these days seem incapable of because most of you have booth into this idea of gender expansionism instead of proper social integration).

I have nothing against someone who is an adult is wishes to transition because they have a sexual fetish, but I’m not going to pretend they are the same thing as me. I need my HRT to survive, it has nothing to do with sexual gratification or with wanting to get the attention of men. I don’t get “euphoria boners” or flaunt about having had a “girl dick” because I have actual dysphoria and don’t wish to associate my anatomy with that of men. AGPs are the ones pushing the grotesque and crass sexual stereotypes because their entire identity is based on sex.

I’d also like to point out that I acknowledge that transsexual women can be lesbian without being AGP, and it’s very obvious to differentiate them from an AGP because they actually put effort into their transition in a similar manner to straight trans girls, have proper discomfort and dysphoria about their initial genitalia, and are not sex obsessed.

This sub has become a hostile ground for people in the far left to defend AGPs because that’s the Reddit demographic, but you guys are not an accurate representation of real world transsexuals who are TIRED of having our rights and movement become hijacked by sex fetishists who are now the face of it. Many of you will defend their inclusion in trans spaces because you think you are being “moral” and “open minded”, it doesn’t matter if it comes at the expense of your own rights. I’m not willing to play along with that.