I don’t know what to do…

I guess, I’m quitting pub quizzes for good now. That means even quitting Harry Potter quizzes. I don’t know what to do. I have social anxiety, probably xenophobic. I probably also have OCD. Quizzes were the only place for me to be social. But I can’t anymore. Due to my nature, personality, compulsions (meaning I couldn’t moderate the amount of quizzes I took) I’ve started to panic and feel anxious even more during quizzes. I feel terrible when I come out the pub and walk home. It’s like I’m abusing myself. But I just don’t know what to do then. I don’t want to feel lonely or depressed again. I don’t want to spend days only communicating with my mother, or walk alone in the streets. Therapy is not an option because finding a proper therapist is like a lottery. I’ve had a few and they were all incompetent. I don’t want to pay another therapist big money and feel frustrated again after long work and wasted money. I’ve already paid lots of money to urologists and to buy drugs only to find out that I don’t even need antibiotics. I don’t know. Maybe my option is to not worry so much about loneliness, that I will be left alone again, and be content with it. It’s not like anything bad happened or will happen after I quit quizzes. I just can’t attend them anymore even though I want to (or maybe my want is compulsive). Because it really affects my health that I’m trying very hard to recover especially after unsuccessful love relationship. I don’t want to start over. Maybe I’m so used to seeing groups of people several times a week that I forgot how lonely it was to be alone. So now I’m afraid to be or feel alone again.

I need to quit quizzes so I could focus on other stuff. Stuff that is actually productive and matters.