Best counter you’ve ever seen?
Counter technical wrestling is an absolute thing of beauty. The pace, the technique, the sheer spectacle of one amazing counter in the crucial moment of a match spikes excitement in a big way. So what are some of the absolute best wrestling counters you’ve ever seen?
The two big ones for me are from two of the most technically gifted wrestlers of all time.
First one is Kurt Angle. At the 2003 royal rumble, he countered Chris Benoits cross face into the ankle lock in such an incredible counter, redirecting his weight to flip himself over to get close enough to his leg. It’s a thing of beauty.
The second is, ironically, Chris Benoit himself, and his counter of Rhyno’s gore attempt. Whilst Benoit, for as deservedly blackened as his legacy may be, had many instances that could have made it here, the sheer fact that he reversed the full speed charge of rhyno, something that was going to break him in half, into the cross face in such speed spoke volumes about his technical prowess, it again is a thing of beauty.