Do We Deserve Sparking Zero?
It's insane how ALOT of Dragon Ball fans went from glazing the absolute crap out of Sparking Zero, shouting out the deceased, and ganging up on anyone who criticized something just to switch up not even a month later and hate on the game because their sore ego-driven behinds got things confused and immediately prioritized rank, something that shouldn't even have been a thing in a game like this. All while disregarding every other tiny aspect they dissected and foamed at the mouth over up till release. I find it very pathetic and can only imagine how it must look from the outside seeing all that love for such a heavily, heavily anticipated game die out so suddenly.
And to those saying stuff like "Well DUH. We spent all our money on it." I'd assume a few of you were in the same crowd calling people ungrateful nitpickers for holding off and having concerns from the start. No one was held at gunpoint and forced to buy it. Going out on a limb here to point out how this just may be a severe case of butthurt with fans happily spending extra money to feel special, stay ahead of everyone, hype trains, etc just to realize they overreacted. Nearly everything in SZ was showcased before release yet pre-orders were still going. I think it's easier to admit the flaws only became apparent once PvP became a reality check and pissed some of you off, while the single player stuff that's there is something these players were never actually invested in. Though I agree the game isn't perfect and should frequently provide more updates, I don't believe the issues warrant half the playerbase dropping it entirely and claiming it sucks. The majority pretty much accepted having to wait an indefinite amount of time to get GT/Movie characters as DLC, we got most of them day 1, they loved it and now they feel ripped off? lol I don't think enough people take into consideration how SZ is not a direct sequel to BT3 and that the whole thing is built from the ground up. Everything you see on the screen is either brand new, redone, and isn't the work of three other games combined. The way I see it, it's our modern day equivalent to BT1 and I feel the sooner people look at SZ that way, the sooner they'll learn to appreciate the game again. The End