Uninstalling Again.

After my last post I had un-installed sparking due to some major issues with the game.

After the update I resownloaded to see how the issues have been addressed. They have been, but new problems have made the game virtually unplayable.

Z-Burst dash costs a ridiculous amount of ki. All other approaches are immediately punished. This encourages players to fly across the map, charge up ki, and zone.

Played about 20 matches and about half of those I played against opponents that didn't approach a single time. Anytime I got in close they would let me knock them away so they could run back to a corner, charge up ki and spam ki blast until they have enough skill points for insta spark, or charge to sparking.

Even had a few of those players still hide in the corner letting their full spark Guage run out without approaching.

As an aggressive player it doesn't even feel like the same game. I can't believe I'm saying it but the release patch was somehow better.

Maybe I just had too high of hopes for this game. Regardless it takes up too much storage space to justify it being on my hard drive.

Sad Day. Good luck to everyone sticking it out.