Ngl this fandom sucks. Like where is this amount of backlash during the endless deams china collab?

You guys complain way too much over what is essentially optional cosmetics you can turn off or just not buy. This is literally the first trailer and chillyroom usually announces all the gameplay related additions in separate trailers. I swear this fandom will complain day and night about the most menial crap, yet when it comes to an actually important issue, completely stay silent.

It always is this loop: Trailer drops with somewhat to mildly “horny” skins (seriously if you think this is horny, you have not played anything outside of a E for everyone rated game) —> people make a massive fuss about optional skins —> actual important issues gets overshadowed —> nothing gets fixed —> repeat

You guys complain way too much over what is essentially optional cosmetics you can turn off or just not buy. This is literally the first trailer and chillyroom usually announces all the gameplay related additions in separate trailers. I swear this fandom will complain day and night about the most menial crap, yet when it comes to an actually important issue, completely stay silent.

It always is this loop: Trailer drops with somewhat to mildly “horny” skins (seriously if you think this is horny, you have not played anything outside of a E for everyone rated game) —> people make a massive fuss about optional skins —> actual important issues gets overshadowed —> nothing gets fixed —> repeat