HELP understand Test Results, doctor says everything is fine...

My partner [28M] got a sleep study done last summer because he has had issues with his sleep for quite a while now and I have noticed that he stops breathing in his sleep and I have to wake him up to get him to breathe. He often feels tired even though he gets a full night of sleep. He expressed his sleep study was terrible as the room was incredibly hot and he felt like he couldn't rest. After the study his doctor did not give him his results and just told him that there was nothing wrong with him and hasn't helped him further. He finally got the doctor to send him the results (6 months later) and is now trying to refer him to a sleep specialist. Mind you, my partner has already spent THOUSANDS of dollars to meet with this doctor (who doesn't seem to know anything about sleep apnea) and for this in-house sleep study which was an awful experience for him. I am convinced he has sleep apnea, I sleep with him every night and I know he stops breathing as I am the one who witnesses it. I just want him to get the help he needs. What are peoples thoughts on these results? Results