HoG everyday until the release date of silksong is announced, the top comment chooses a new rule to add!-Day 9.5
-Top comment chooses a new rule everyday, they stack up until I lose a fight.
-I do the next boss only if I won the fight, if that's not the case I stay to the current boss.
-The rules can be anything, but a rule can only be said once, please be creative!
-A same person cannot be choosen more than 5 time.
Past rules:
-At least 1 use of the dream nail
-At least 1 use of each nail art
-At least one use of the crystal dash
-At least 1 parry if able
-To be at 1 hp is required to end the fight
-At least 5 seconds of afk
-The Pacer Test: I need to walk back and forth the arena 3 times. During it, I can't hit the boss nor dash.
I did it again because I forgot to do the pacer test yesterday