My cerclage is out! Success Story

I don’t know what I would’ve done without the support of this group! Reading everyone’s stories and situations helped me tremendously with my anxiety so I’ll share mine now. In my previous pregnancy in 2018, I delivered at 30w6d. I may have had incompetent cervix then as well, but it wasn’t checked for since it was my first pregnancy. This pregnancy, I had the cerclage placed at 19 weeks with my cervix measuring 1.4cm. During the procedure, my cervix was opening so I got it done just in time. At 24 weeks, my OB sent me to labor and delivery to have the steroid shots to help baby’s lungs develop. I also had the magnesium drip. This was because my ultrasound showed significant funneling and they were afraid it was place tension on my cerclage and cause me to deliver early. I was taken out of work and placed on medical leave for the remainder of my pregnancy. I was also transferred to a high risk MFM doctor because my original OB’s hospital NICU didn’t care for babies born before 32 weeks. I remained on moderate bedrest. I would check this group often because I was so afraid of delivering early again and I just needed support. Today I am 36w4d and my cerclage was removed this morning! I’m so excited I was able to make it this far and I can’t wait to hold my newborn after birth; something I wasn’t able to do the first time. I hope my story is encouraging and if you have any questions, please comment!