How the hell was 250k conscripts not enough to take back Wall Maria in S1 Ep 2

As said in the title, how the hell was 250k conscripts not enough to take back Wall Maria in S1 Ep 2? Better yet, they could just unleash Levi on them and he could do it single handedy. This is frustrating me so much rn. Even if each guy was only given a spear, the sheer number of them would of eventually overwhelmed the titans in there, not to mention the ones that had ODM gear. Power Scaling in AOT and loads of other animes is broken. Whenever there is an edgy cool character they make so he is not aloud to lose a single fight ever, such as Levi, Juso from Tokyo Ghoul.

Edit 1:

I am not seeing any of you guys points. I get these 250k are poorly trained civilians, well most of them, but they would of still not failed so miserably. This 250k would of atleast had a chain of command, unless their generals were completely stupid, they would of thought out a logical plan and strategy to fight these titans. Also it says that only 200 returned. Why the hell did they only decide to retreat once over 99% of the army had perished? Are they actually stupid, any logical army would of retreated as soon as something like 60% of the army had died not until the last hand full. Lol like are these civilians some die hard spartan like people willing to fight to the death 😂 These are literally civilians, most of them would've retreated on the first sight of danger.