Comprehensive Case Timeline
I had to unpin the Video Catalogue because I can only pin two posts at a time. You can find it here.
Here's a link to the original discovery document, where the majority of the timeline comes from. The only other source I used were documents (such as phone records) from the 2nd document dump. I will not be providing a link to those documents, but you can find them on the Facebook Page Chris Watts - Accused Killer of Shan'Ann Watts and Children.
If a time is unclear, I will enter it as 00:00 XX. Please let me know if you find any typos or errors that need to be corrected.
And without further ado...
Comprehensive Timeline of the Watts Case
1/7 (EDIT: This is believed to be a typo, most likely 7/1 was the actual date of the search)
05:52 AM Nichol K. searches for "Shanann Watts". (pg 1601)
03:40 PM Shanann tells Chris she’s pregnant again (pg 1887)
10:55 AM Initial email contact via work email between Chris and Nichol K. (2nd document dump, link to alternate source)
00:00 XX Chris adds approximately 200 contacts to his work phone, including an entry for Nikki Kessinger (pg 1887)
00:00 XX Chris misses Shannon’s first ultrasound. (pg 462-463)
03:07 PM Chris adds Nichol K to his personal phone under a fake name. (pg 1887)
00:00 XX Shanann and the kids leave for NC. (pg 1888)
00:00 XX Nichol K visits the Watts home for the first time, to help him set up his diet/exercise goals. (pg 574)
09:00 PM Chris and Nichol K see a movie. (pg 575)
12:09 AM First recorded call in Chris’s phone between him and Nichol. (pg 1889)
08:16 PM Shanann and Chris discuss the “nut incident” via text. (pg 1890)
00:00 XX Nichol K visits the Watts home for the second time. (pg 502, pg 574) The same day they visit a Mustang Museum in Boulder. (pg 1891)
00:00 XX Celeste's birthday party in NC. Chris's family does not show up. (pg 561)
09:46 AM Chris starts to transfer photos to the “secret calculator” app. (pg 1893)
00:00 XX Chris and Nichol K go out to dinner and to the speedway. (pg 1895, 575)
01:17 PM Nichol K searches “man I’m having affair with says he will leave his wife”. (pg 1896)
08:41 AM Chris searches “when to say I love you” and “when to say I love you for the first time in a new relationship”. (pg 1897)
00:00 XX Chris and Nichol K spend night in sand dunes. (pg 1899, 575)
03:22 AM Chris arrives at airport to fly to NC. (pg 1902)
04:52 AM Chris deletes Nichol’s contact info from his phone. (pg 1903)
12:45 AM Nichol K searches online for wedding dresses. (pg 1904)
02:10 PM Nichol K searches for Chris & Shanann’s Facebook accounts. (pg 1906)
04:52 PM Shanann texts a friend and mentions that Chris changed the wallpaper on his phone from a photo of the two of them to a photo of the sand dunes. (texts with friend*)
00:00 XX Shanann tells Addy things aren’t going well for her and Chris. (pg 429)
09:45 PM Chris assures Shanann in a text message that things will be fine and he will fix them. (pg 1909)
00:00 XX Family returns from NC. (pg 12)
00:00 XX Chris tells his supervisor Luke Epple that he and his wife are having issues and he may be staying with a friend. (supervisor audio*)
07:17 AM Shanann tells Addy Chris told her the night before he doesn’t want the 3rd baby. (pg 434, 1910)
07:24 AM Shanann tells Sara Nudd things are not going well with Chris. (pg 1910)
08:52 AM Chris tells a friend he’s excited to find out the gender of the baby. (pg 1911)
06:40 PM Shanann has 4D ultrasound to find out the baby’s gender. Chris attends. (pg 437, 989, 1911)
07:25 PM Nichol K searches online for “marrying your mistress”. (pg 1911)
10:19 PM Shanann texts her friends that she will “fight for full custody” if she and Chris split up. (pg 1911)
00:00 XX Chris returns to work. (pg 12, pg 303, 490)
00:00 XX Nicole Atkinson informs Taylor Welch that gender reveal party is cancelled (pg 49)
00:00 XX Shanann reports to Cassie that Chris is refusing couples counseling. (pg. 564)
00:00 XX Chris deletes Facebook account. (pg 14)
00:00 XX Chris works. (pg 303, 490)
06:09 AM Shanann asks Chris if he wants to find out the baby’s gender. He replies “yes”. (pg 1912)
10:06 AM Shanann sends an ultrasound photo of the baby to Sara Nudd. (pg 1912)
11:45 AM Chris sends the infamous "doll wrapped like a mummy” photo to Shanann, which she later posts on facebook and jokes about. (pg 1913)
01:15 PM Shanann reports to Amanda Thayer than Chris agreed to go away for the weekend of 8/17 and she’s in shock. (pg 315)
01:44 PM Shanann asks Chris why he deleted his Facebook account. (pg 1914)
03:07 PM Shanann asks Chris if he’ll be there on Bella’s first day of kindergarten and he says he can “make that happen”. (pg 1914)
03:45 PM Shanann gets confirmation of the relationship book order she’s sending to Chris. (pg 1914)
06:18 PM Amanda agrees to watch the kids the weekend of the 17th after 6 PM (pg 315)
06:20 PM Shanann asks Taylor if she can babysit on the 17th so she and Chris can get away. (pg 50)
08:49 PM Shanann texts Cassie that they had a good talk, they are talking about moving to Brighton, and the baby's name will be Niko Lee Watts. (pg 566)
09:12 PM Shanann texts her friends that Chris wants to move. (pg 1914)
10:27 PM Shanann texts her friends that things are a little better with Chris and he agreed to go to counseling. (pg 1914)
00:00 XX Shannon leaves for AZ. (pg 12)
00:00 XX Chris is off work. (pg 303, 490)
08:44 AM Shanann lands in AZ. (pg 1915)
09:24 AM Chris asks Jeremy Lindstorm if his daughter can babysit the next evening. (pg 1915)
09:57 AM Shanann contacts the realtor via facebook messenger. (messenger screen shots*)
11:57 AM Shanann sends Chris a screen shot of a realtor’s contact info (pg 1916)
01:42 PM Shanann receives confirmation that the book she ordered arrived at their house and suggests Chris check the mail. (pg 1916)
02:33 PM Ronnie asks Chris if he can FaceTime with the kids. Chris tells him he’s afraid they would tell Shanann and she would be upset. Ronnie says he understands. (pg 1916)
09:34 PM Shanann searches for groupon deals for hotels in Aspen. Sends some info to Chris, and he visits the websites a few minutes later. (pg 1917)
11:18 AM Chris searches for hiking trails near Aspen. (pg 1917)
04:25 PM Babysitter arrives at Watts home. (pg 404)
05:00 PM Chris & Nichol K meet for dinner, he tells her he has deleted his facebook account. (pg 331, 576)
07:50 PM Shanann calls babysitter to check on kids. (pg 470)
10:00 PM Chris & Nichol K’s date is over. (pg 331)
10:04 PM Nichol searches online for “Chris Watts”, “Shanann Watts”, “Ronnie Watts” and “2825 Saratoga Trail”. (pg 1918)
10:00 PM Babysitters mom arrives to pick her up, Chris is not home yet. (pg 404)
10:19 PM Shanann searches online for “Lazy Dog Menu” (pg 1919)
10:28 PM Shanann calls Chris, they have a three minute conversation. (pg 1919)
10:30 PM (approx) Chris arrives home from date with Nichol (pg 404)
10:31 PM Immediately after hanging up with Chris, Shanann texts him, "Oh. Save your receipt so we can write it off."
10:31 PM Chris calls Nichol, they speak for 51 minutes. (phone records*)
00:00 XX Nichol and Chris discuss him getting an apartment and she reports he is less enthusiastic about it. (pg 617)
00:00 XX Shanann tells Addy about the $60 charge on their card. (pg 427)
08:46 AM Nichol calls Chris, they talk for 30 minutes. (phone records*)
09:57 AM Shanann asks Chris if he can get the kids backpacks and lunches ready for school the next morning. Chris says he will. (pg 1920)
10:32 AM Chris sends photos of the kids to Shanann, at her request. (pg 1921)
10:51 AM Nichol texts her friend Charlotte about Chris for the first time. (recovered texts*)
01:30 PM Chris takes photos of the kids playing at the Lindstrom’s home. (pg 1921)
03:56 PM Chris tells Shanann they are still at the Lindstrom’s party. (pg 1922)
05:00 PM Shanann has dinner with friends in AZ. Shanann tells friends she and Chris are having problems. Also mentions the $60 dinner charge from a restaurant in CO. (pg 401)
05:06 PM Chris texts Kodi Roberts and says he will go straight to Cervi 319 in the morning. (pg 390)
05:00 PM (approx) Chris & the kids facetime with Shanann's dad before bed. (pg 602-603)
06:00 PM Addy drops Shanann & Nicole A at the airport. (pg 426)
06:47 PM Chris takes photos of some chicken he is grilling. (pg 1922)
07:46 PM Chris tells Shanann the kids are in bed. (pg 1922)
09:28 PM Chris calls Nichol, they talk for 111 minutes. She reports hearing a tv in the background. Chris tells Nichol he will be going straight into the field the next day. (pg 505-506, phone records*)
09:44 PM Shanann’s flight is delayed. (pg 1924)
11:08 PM Shanann's flight finally leaves Arizona. (pg 1595)
00:00 XX Shanann tells Karen Epps she will see her tomorrow morning at the kids school. (pg 482)
01:25 AM Shanann texts Cassie that they landed in Denver. (pg 1924)
01:48 AM Shanann arrives home. (pg 6, 1794)
02:00 AM Shanann receives email notifying her that credit card was declined. (pg 488)
05:18 AM Chris starts his work truck. (pg 490)
05:27 AM Chris backs truck into driveway. (pg 6)
05:45 AM Chris leaves for work. (pg 198, 490)
06:31 AM Chris texts Kodi Roberts to advise he’s at Cervi 319. (pg 390)
06:41 AM Chris texts Chad McNeill to advise he’s at Cervi 319. (pg 337)
06:53 AM Chris arrives at Cervi 319 per GPS. (pg 490)
07:40 AM Chris sends phony text to Shanann's phone. (pg 1588)
08:25 AM Chris makes a phony call to Shanann’s phone. (pg 1588, 1927)
08:26 AM Chris searches for the kids school and calls them. (pg 1589, 1960)
08:28 AM Chris calls Ann (the realtor) to discuss selling the house. (pg 1589, 594)
08:30 AM (estimated) Chris calls Primrose School and tells them the kids will not be attending... then asks if they are there. (pg 586, 587)
08:30 AM Employees arrive at Cervi 319. (pg 296, 308)
08:51 AM Troy McCoy arrives at Cervi 319. (pg 417)
09:00 AM Nicole Atkinson makes first call requesting a wellbeing check. (pg 123)
09:15 AM Shanann misses scheduled doctor appointment (pg 583)
10:10 AM Chris searches for lyrics to Battery - a Metallica song. (pg 1589)
10:33 AM Chris searches for hotels in Aspen. (pg 1928)
10:44 AM Chris calls the Westin Snowmass Resort. (pg 1928)
10:45 AM Chris searches for Groupon’s contact info. (pg 1928)
12:00 PM Chris leaves work to head home. (pg 338)
01:36 PM Nicole Atkinson contacts Frederick PD requesting a welfare check on Shanann. (pg 487)
01:40 PM Officer Conrad dispatched for wellness check at Watts home. (pg 5)
02:11 PM Chris sends phony text to Shanann’s phone. (pg 1931)
03:00 PM Nichol K. leaves work. (pg 331, 506)
03:45 PM Nichol K. gets a text from Chris about his family being gone and asks her to call him. (pg 331, 506)
04:00 PM Nichol K calls Chris at his request. (pg 506)
04:17 PM Nicole Atkinson calls Amanda Thayer to discuss Shanann being missing. (pg 316)
04:19 PM Officer James arrives at Watts home. (pg 11)
05:01 PM Nichol K. calls Chris, allgegedly at his request. (pg 506, phone records*)
05:02 PM Nichol K. calls Chris again. (phone records*)
06:00 PM Chris stages phony calls to local hospitals. (pg 1932)
6:30 PM Amanda and Nick arrive at Watts home. (pg 316)
8:00 PM Amanda and Nick leave the Watts home. (pg 317)
09:12 PM Officer James calls Chris to follow up. Chris tells Officer James he has not cheated but that Shanann may be seeing someone else. Chris provides Officer James with contact info for friends. (pg 13)
09:48 PM Chris calls Nichol, they talk for 50 minutes and they facetime for at least part of the time. (pg 479, phone records*)
11:09 PM Nichol calls Chris back, they talk for 52 minutes. (phone records*)
00:00 XX Girls scheduled to start school today after being out for the summer. (pg 587)
00:00 XX Chris is going to list his home for sale today and look for an apartment this week. (pg 330)
00:00 XX Chris gives consent for LE to check Shanann’s phone and ultimately surrenders it to them. (pg 972)
12:08 AM Chris calls Nichol, they speak for 31 minutes. (pg 1003)
01:12 AM Nichol calls Chris, they speak for 3 minutes. (pg 1003)
01:51 AM Chris calls Nichol, they speak for 8 minutes. (pg 1003)
02:06 AM Chris calls Nichol, they speak for 1 minute. (pg 1003)
02:06 AM Nichol calls Chris, they speak for 11 minutes. This is the final call between Chris and Nichol K. (pg 996, 503, 1003)
04:38 AM Shanann’s mom contacts Officer Goodman. Says Chris is acting weird and she suspects foul play. (pg 22)
09:00 AM Amanda and Nick arrive at Watts home, spend most of the day with Chris. (pg 317)
09:30 AM Drone flies over Watts home. Nothing is found. (pg 216)
10:21 AM Couple arrives at Watts home (Nick & Amanda?). (pg 74)
10:45 AM Chris moves work truck down the street. (pg 74)
11:45 AM Officer Lines meets with K9 search team. Chris consents to K9 search. K9 team searches Watts home. (pg 39)
03:40 PM Nichol K reads something online about Shanann's disappearance. (pg 1600)
04:00 PM Amanda and Nick leave the Watts home. (pg 325)
05:00 PM Nichol K searches "can cops trace text messages?" (pg 1600)
05:24 PM Nichol K searches "how long do phone companies keep text messages?" (pg 1600)
06:13 PM Chris sends group email confirming he will participate in fantasy football. (pg 466)
06:20 PM Chris texts Nick to tell him he’s leaving his house now. (pg 326)
06:34 PM Investigative Analyst, Jillian Ganley, receives GPS data from Chris Watts work vehicle. (pg 1321)
06:40 PM Chris calls Nick to tell him he’s heading to the Frederick PD for an interview. (pg 326)
07:00 PM Chris arrives at Frederick PD to be interviewed by FBI. (pg 491, 1030-1055)
07:30 PM Amanda and Nick arrive at Frederick PD, wait in parking lot for Chris. (pg 318)
09:00 PM Officer Albert takes Chris’s phone from Frederick PD to Dacono PD so they can conduct data search. Phone is then returned to Frederick PD. (pg 69)
11:00 PM Chris exits Frederick PD after being interviewed. (pg 318)
00:00 XX Chris meets with news team and records interview for local news. (pg 41)
00:00 XX Chris wants to come back to work today or tomorrow 8/15, Anadarko HR says no. (pg 494)
00:00 XX Nichol K. hears that Shanann may have been pregnant in the media. She searches for info about Shanann online - she tells this to LE. She confronts Chris about it. (pg 507)
06:00 AM Officer Doll reports to Watts home to collect evidence. Notes taking electronic devices, relationship book (found in recycle bin), blue nitrile glove on top of refrigerator, top sheet and pillow cases found in kitchen trash. (pg 25)
08:00 AM CBI Agent Tammy Lee receives phone call from Anadarko Regional Manager, informing her they may have uncovered evidence Chris began a relationship with a coworker around June of 2018. (pg 513, 1321)
09:30 AM Chris leaves Thayer home to pick his dad up from the airport. (pg 318)
09:49 AM Nichol Kessinger contacts detectives regarding her relationship with Chris Watts. (pg 1624, 1003)
11:00 AM Chris arrives at the police station for an agreed upon polygraph examination. (pg 511, 1156-1160)
02:00 PM Drone operator locates bed sheet, plastic bags and disturbed ground at Cervi Ranch site. (pg 219)
05:36 PM FBI interviews Nicole Kessinger. (pg 283, 330)
06:30 PM Officer Bakes transports the Lexus from Frederick PD back to the Watts home.
08:15 PM Officer James transports Ronnie Watts from police department to hotel. (pg 28)
08:50 PM Officer Goodman secures Lexus and supervises towing company remove it from Watts home.
10:05 PM Photos taken of Chris’s body. (pg 28)
10:12 PM Search warrant executed at Watts home, items collected included bedding, recording of baby monitor, Chris’s work computer. (pg 73, 992)
10:45 PM Officer Coonrod responds to Andarko oil field. CBI investigators report collecting the the following evidence: hair from oil tank hatch, parts of a rake, and a bed sheet. They begin to excavate possible burial site approx. 100 feet from the oil tank. (pg 36)
11:00 PM Located body of adult female buried in approx. 3-8” of dirt. (pg 36, 424)
11:02 PM Chris is handcuffed and placed in custody. (pg 28)
00:00 XX Investigative Analyst, Jillian Ganley, receives data from Chris Watts personal phone. (pg 1322)
00:00 XX Nichol Kessinger talks to her dad about approaching law enforcement. (pg 503)
12:03 AM Chris is transferred to jail. (pg 28)
12:10 AM Shanann’s body removed from burial site (pg 36)
03:30 PM First oil tank is entered. Celeste’s body is removed. (pg 37)
05:30 PM Second oil take is entered. Bella’s body is removed. (pg 37)
10:12 PM Search warrant executed at Watts home. (pg 40)
00:00 XX Nichol Kessinger is interviewed at Thornton PD. (pg 474)
10:00 AM Autopsies are conducted on Shanann, Bella and Celeste Watts. (pg 553, 889)
10:51 AM Phone interview with Nichol Kessinger. (phone int 01*)
01:19 PM Officer Davies reports to Watts home to investigate reports of a break-in. This turns out to be members of defense team and it is confirmed they were authorized to be inside the home. (pg 59)
03:30 PM Law enforcement searches Cervi 319 again, hoping to locate the girls' blankets and toys. They do not find anything at the site. (pg 570)
00:00 XX Phone interview with Nichol Kessinger and CBI. (pg 479)
11:00 AM emails from familyheating account were sent to Frederick PD. (pg 87)
00:00 XX Gender reveal party was originally scheduled. (pg 49)
05:36 PM Nicole Atkinson and her son are interviewed by law enforcement. (pg 1272)
00:00 XX DA and investigators meet with Shanann's dad and brother. (pg 1294)
10:00 AM Search warrant executed on Lexus and work truck. (pg 80)
06:45 PM Phone interview with Nichol Kessinger. (phone int 02*)
00:00 XX Nichol K is fired from her job. (pg 618)
00:00 XX Officer Manley meets with general contractor overseeing construction site at Black Mesa Road. Advises they have reason to believe Chris Watts stopped there for several minutes. Contractor advises trash was removed on 8/16 and taken to land fill. (pg 125)
00:00 XX Toxicology report is issued for Shanann. (pg 882)
00:00 XX Trent Bolte makes claims on facebook to have had a sexual relationship with Chris Watts. (pg 658)
00:00 XX FBI interviews Trent Bolte. (pg 1161-1174)
00:00 XX Aubrey Shepard makes claims on facebook to having met Chris and Shanann on a swingers website. (pg 687)
00:00 XX Evidence submitted for forensic testing. (pg 932)
01:00 PM Nichol K. provides law enforcement with typed document providing additional information about her recollections regarding Chris Watts. (pg 941)
00:00 XX Toxicology report is issued for Celeste. (pg 914)
01:20 PM Phones (CW personal, CW work, NK personal, SW personal) transported to Northern Colorado Regional Forensic Laboratory for testing. (pg 994, 995)
00:00 XX Toxicology report is issued for Bella. (pg 898)
09:47 AM Nichol K provides phone statement to LE which includes the dates 8/13 and 8/14. (pg 996)
00:00 XX DA receives jail log reports on Chris Watts. He is reported to be very polite and compliant. (pg 1189)
00:00 XX Franklin PD took custody of the fetus (Niko) for transport to the Weld County Coroner's Office and ultimately to be shipped to North Carolina. (pg 1297, 1308)
02:48 PM Written statement from Shanann's mom sent to Frederick PD via fax. (pg 1260)
00:00 XX Shanann's dad is appointed personal representative of Shanann's estate. (pg 1235)
phone records* [phone records 2018-273-S33-Verizon Phone Records 08.13.18]
messenger screen shots* [messenger screen shots 2018-273-S29(11)]
recovered texts* [2018-273-S35-nikki-charlotte texts]
texts with friend* [2018-273-S3-Text Msgs (41), (42), (43)]
supervisor audio* [2018-273-S16-Phone int Luke Epple 081418]
phone int 01* [2018-273-S56-nkessinger 081718 1051 am]
phone int 02* [2018-273-S56-nkessinger 082118 0645 pm]
Edit 1: Removed email address I had accidentally included.
Edit 2: Sorry about the typos. Autocorrect on my laptop kept changing Shanann to Shannon and Lindstrom to Windstorm. I’ll fix them when I see them.
Edit 3: Fixed a time of day error.
Edit 4: Ongoing additions and edits. Thank you so much to everyone who has commented with suggestions!!