On Killing a Sovereign
Spoilers from Chapter 2190
With the newest chapter however, I think one of the best ways to attack Sovereigns will be to weaken/break their Will (this applying to all the Sovereigns)
This would obv be very difficult considering that Sovereigns are made by exerting their Will on the world among other things so what would be able to do it?
In the most recent chapters, Ki Song has seemed impossible to kill thanks to all her bodies. However, I think that Ki Song might be the easiest to weaken via the concept of targeting her Will.
Going back to her flaw, it seems to be related to not being able to have children/a family. Her creation of an adopted family, going as far as making them part of her blood, only seems to reinforce their importance to her. Therefore, while not being immediately exploitable, this could be part of bringing her down.
We know that Cassie is working on bringing Seishan over to Nephis’s side. If theoretically, she could also convince some more of Ki Song’s adopted daughters to join too, that in and of itself could already deal a blow to Ki Song. The loss of her daughters, not necessarily through death (although that could work partially too) but through disillusionment with their mother, would deal a blow to Ki Song far more powerful than most things; this would target both her manpower and her flaw.
TL;DR - 1) Targeting the Will of Sovereigns seems to be a great way to weaken/break them 2) Ki Song could prob be targeted by this by getting her daughters to defect from her side