re reading and wow my cassie hate grew

idc what ANYONE SAYS

the shit she did was crazy

so sure sunny didn’t know her neph chose to save her and what not so she can be closer to neph than sunny

but that doesn’t change the fact that she saw sunny as an older brother and sunny saw her as a legit younger sister,

the way he treated her cared for her thought abt her and protected her.

she knows how sunny his background

and she still chose to betray him,

she coulda legit just not said anything, has she not read mythology? if neph knows the tale of odessuys then why tf doesn’t cassie know the tale of odipus?(guy who tried to go against fate and destiny and embarked on a journey against and in his journey ended up fulfilling his fate and destiny)

i digress

“oh but cassie had her reasons” “oh but she said sorry” “oh but she made up for it”


one she kinda used sunny to break fate so it’s not really her doing it out of the kindness of her heart all though yeah the situation is very complex

imagine u were sunny, and your best friend and someone u see as a sister not only betrayed u, but she legit tells u she chose to SACRIFICE YOU for her other friend.

sure she did redeem her self but damn, idk if i could ever like her, all though i do see where she came from

if i was in her position i personally would not say anything abt this situation, she alr told them everything and hides shit why couldn’t she hide this one thing bruh.

idc what u cassie zealots say, she did what she did and i hate her for it, she’s a great character sure, but im sliding for my boy sunny, she’ll always be a little hated in my head for what she did