December Challenge - Share Your 2024 Projects
The theme for December is Share a Project. One last chance to share a project made in 2024 that hasn't been shared here yet! This can be projects that you make in December or anything you made this past year. Share as many projects, big and small, as you would like in the comments below.
When I re-opened this subreddit, I promised myself to give it a year. My goals were to build a community and recruit new moderators who enjoy sewing for challenges and creating new challenges for this subreddit. We've reached the end of 2024 and it's time to look at what we have and where to go from here. I think there is a lot that we could do with the subreddit, adding more challenges, different styles of challenges, all sorts of cool things. I do not have the time or energy to devote to the subreddit to build and grow it further, or honestly to even maintain what we have been doing so far. SanneChan has been a great partner mod but is also unable to carry the subreddit as it is now. Without additional mod team members to take over, I will be closing the subreddit at the end of December. So this is one last request. If you have considered becoming more involved in r/SewingChallenge, please send me a DM or modmail. I am happy to continue to provide technical support and advice. It really is fun to come up with challenges and see how everyone meets them. I am happy to continue to provide technical support and advice. It's been a great little group, and I thank you for your enthusiasm.