The Problem With the Cobel Reveal

Disclaimer that this issue maybe will clarified in future episodes.

But it's a very MCU-level of plausibility that a single main character - be it Cobel, Burt, or somebody else - driven by some extreme circumstances, would invent a super advanced technology - much more advanced than our current level of technology.

The reality is that any technology involving super advanced knowledge and manipulation of the brain would involve teams of PHD neuroscientists making years of incremental discoveries and inventions.

Of course a TV show doesn't have to be realistic to be good.

But one of the big strengths of Severance to date was that the implausibility of severance itself and the bizarreness of the world of the show were grounded in a sense of realism in character development.

Having a reveal that a central main character single handedly invented Severance feels very contrived for dramatic effect.