Helly R deserves better
episode 7 was absolutely amazing and I love how it delved into Mark & gemma’s relationship. as much as i loved it tho and I know how much everybody else loved it, I don’t like the anti Helly sentiment i’ve seen due to it. I know for a lot of us emotions are high due to the fact that Lumon is literally torturing Gemma and separating her from her husband but did we forget about how severance is inherently bad for the innies & how helena and helly are two different mindsets?
Since season one the innies have fought to be seen as their own people separate to their outies, specially Helly. Helly feels like she’s stripped of her own autonomy due to her outie. Even when Helly begs Helena to let her out she simply doesn’t, stripping her of her humanity while doing so. Helly is ALSO a victim of Helena & Lumon. Helly/Helena continues to be one of the most interesting characters imo. She is literally fighting against herself just to be considered a human being. It just upsets me that after episode seven people have completely forgot about/disregarded this aspect of her character and instead just see her as an obstacle in the way of a MarkGemma reunion.