Can Sea of Thieves be played and enjoyed by older-ish people?
So my Girlfriend [F30] and i [M33] have recently started playing video games together. I've always played but she's new to the scene. Right now we are playing Borderlands 3 and we are having a blast. She's playing on PS5 and i'm playing on PC. We like BL3 because even though the tone is quite silly it still has deeper themes that can grip you even if you are older. My question is if it's the same with Sea of Thieves? i don't know a ton about the game, but it looks fun, we both love pirate themes and it's cross platform. Can the game still be enjoyed even if you're older or is it just silly all the way through. I my question makes sence, love to hear from older players (if therer are any) Cheers!