Left Leaning Gun Shops?

I grew up hunting and shooting since I was a child. With the continued escalation of gun violence, especially against children, I haven't really shot or been interested in guns or hunting. Most everyone I work with uses 2A as a personality trait, so I don't feel comfortable discussing this with them.

Recently, my wife asked that I get our older teenagers comfortable shooting. With the current political situation, it made me realize how scared she is, and I understand.

With that all said, any recommendations for left leaning gun stores and shooting ranges? I'd like to support the people who support minorities, LGBTQ+, women, and any other potentially at risk group in today's political climate.

Edit: I appreciate all the info and opinions, even those I don't agree with. While I won't tolerate bigotry or hate, I think it's important to share thoughts and information about different beliefs and appreciate those that have felt brave enough to do so. To clarify a few things:

I have spent thousands of hours shooting and hunting. While I could use education/instruction on ARs and tactical training (I don't have either), I'm covered on the basics. I also worked in a gun store for 3 years, back in the early 2000's.

I definitely could have made my post more clear. Far left and even a portion of center left folks support 2A and it's increasing due to the threat of violence, especially against marginalized groups. I'd be interested to know if there are any left leaning shops I could help support who are helping to educate and train those aforementioned groups. With that all said, I don't expect businesses to cater to my political views and ideally, as a customer, I wouldn't even know what their views are. Politically ambiguous, center, or even center right are all perfectly acceptable in my mind.

To all the people telling me that I should just talk with my coworkers because they have valuable information to share, I do speak to them regularly about politics, gun rights, human rights, etc. I don't alienate or belittle them as people. But I do call them on their bigotry, misogyny, and their support of a dictatorship or puppet as president. Their opinions are not reliable when it comes to hatred and bigotry.

Lastly, I've been asked a couple of times; why am I looking back into firearms now? Hopefully we can stop this rampant misinformation and political posturing, remember that people are people, recognize that businesses are the reason manufacturing is done outside the US, businesses and support from the government are the reason immigration is the way it is, patriotism is great, nationalism is not, and we can start working together to deal with the actual problems we're facing.

But, I don't see that as an easy road and need to be prepared for the possibility of a worst case scenario. Civil War (it makes me uncomfortable to even type it out) is a possibility that I hope we can avoid. If not, it won't be like our Civil War. While some states might align together, there will likely be pogroms from both sides to root out groups who don't align with the majority factions within each state. Regardless of your beliefs on this subject, preparation for an unlikely, generation destroying event like a civil war is something I can do to a minimal extent without impacting those around me negatively.

Thanks for reading my novela! Now, go hug your neighbor.