Backdated Medicare Eligibility

Anyone with Medicare eligibility backdated and having issues sorting it out? Why do they even do that?

I got my eligibility notice end of Nov, backpay early Dec, and first monthly payment last week. (Do payments go out on the same day for everyone on SSDI - the 24th?)

Anyhow, they retroactively dated my Medicare eligibility to Oct 1, and I've been researching plans, etc. When you sign in for the first time, if you are on SSDI, you already have been assigned a number and everything. You have three months to sign up for a drug plan and/or an Advantage Plan, so I have to make a decision in the next few days.

I have been paying my ACA super low premium and had met my deductible. I had a procedure in Oct that I had a 0 copay for (at the time, w ACA) and had the same procedure scheduled again in Dec. Since I then knew I had the Medicare, I called to find out what the cost would be and gave them my new Medicare number. She said nothing, but I didn't see how that was possible. I was concerned about having to pay the deductible and didn't know what the co-pay would be, so delayed my appts with them and another specialist - who I also gave my new Medicare number to, until Jan.

Before this I didn't have any sort of dashboard with records or claims. But I just logged in and realized that the appointments I had in October with these two specialists, before I even knew I had Medicare, are billed as claims. My copay for one went from $1 to $25, and for the other, 0 to $235! Well, at least this is what the Medicare site says. I will call the doctors tomorrow about what my responsibility will actually be.

I am considering going with the Original Medicare plus a drug plan, as I hear bad things about Advantage. But either way I go, it seems my healthcare costs are going from about 1,500 a year to 5,000 a year. So that disability check is not going to go nearly as far as I thought. :(

Any thoughts or comments or advice?